Clark County CARES Housing Assistance Program
The CARES Housing Assistance Program (CHAP) provides rent, mortgage, and utility assistance to residents who have suffered financial hardship due to COVID-19 and now lack sufficient income or resources to pay their housing costs. Information about the CHAP program can be found at:
https://helphopehome.org/clark-county- cares-housing-assistance-program/
Clients can apply at one of the following agencies:
Economic Opportunity Board of Clark County
Emergency Aid of Boulder City
Family Promise of Las Vegas
HELP of Southern Nevada
HopeLink of Southern Nevada
Jewish Family Service Agency
Lutheran Social Services of Nevada
Money Management International, Inc.
Neighborhood Housing Services of Southern Nevada, Inc.
Nevada Partners, Inc.
Safe Nest: Temporary Assistance for Domestic Crisis, Inc.
Southern Nevada CHIPs Community Health Improvement Program
The Salvation
United Labor Agency of Nevada Inc.
Program allows for payment of rent, mortgage, utilities, arrears back to March 1, 2020, utility deposits, security deposits and emergency lodging. Payments for services are made directly to a landlord, mortgage company and/or utility company.
Households must be residents of Clark County (including all incorporated cities) and demonstrate financial impact of COVID-19 and the household income cannot exceed 120% Area Median Income.
Program eligibility and levels of assistance will be determined by an individualized assessment of each household.
Recipients of housing vouchers are not eligible.
Proof of residency in the United States is not required. Individuals who are undocumented are included in the household and are eligible for assistance if all other criteria are met. Landlords and property managers can find information and registration at: https://helphopehome.org/cares-housing-assistance-program-important-information-for-landlords/