What is 211?
2-1-1 is a special telephone number reserved in Canada and the United States to provide information and referrals to health, human and social service organizations. Dialing 2-1-1 in almost every part of the United States will connect you to human and social services for your area.
2-1-1 services include places to find emergency food, housing and emergency shelter locations, children’s services, support for seniors, older persons, and people with disabilities, and mental health and counseling services, among many others.

Through 2-1-1, you can find assistance for a variety of services, such as:
Addiction counseling Affordable housing Alzheimer’s assistance Child care Counseling Education Emergency Food Dental & Medical Healthcare Drug Abuse Treatment Homeless services Senior services Suicide prevention Volunteer opportunities
Nevada 2-1-1 Nevada 211, a program of the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and administered by Money Management International (MMI), is committed to helping Nevadans connect with the services they need. Whether by phone or internet, our goal is to present accurate, well-organized and easy-to-find information from state and local health and human services programs. Visit www.dhhs.nv.gov or www.MoneyManagement.org for more information on these organizations.

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